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Contents, Chapter A, Chapter B, Chapter C, Chapter D, Chapter E
Epilogue 1. Expansion of our ideological and cultural borders We must expand our ideological and cultural borders. The situation in Hellas today is a battle at the borderline of Hellenism-judaism. Those christians like Saketos, Georgalas and co. have climbed on our backs and shout with a whip: "go Hellenes, go to expand the ideological borders of judaism". Our answer is: Go Hellenes! let's free Hellas from the criminal sect of nazarenes. Let's crash the christian fascists. Whoever fights our National Religion fights against the Nation, the Hellenism and all Hellenes. Whoever fights our National Religion is a traitor, a greekie, without a homeland. There is no reason to fear christian orthodoxy. They are cowards. Look how they behave toward the muslims and the jews. They bow before them as slaves do. Observe the various christians like Georgalas, Metallinos, Saketos, Misyres, Christodoulos and co.: they pretend to be strong and threaten the Hellenes by religion but they do not dare to utter a word against the coming Islam. They do not dare to write one word, not one anti-muslim text. Have you ever heard Christodoulos, Misyris and Saketos attack Islam? How to find the courage to do so? They are afraid of them, they are disgusting cowards. It is merely that we were not aggressive and organised as Islam is; that is why they have such a nerve when cofronting us.
2. No moral suspensions in the war against christianity We must have no moral suspensions against the christian fascists. They are not Hellenes. If mr. Plevres was a Hellen he would teach the jew children that the Hellen philosophers are the continuance of the talmudic rabbis and not teach the Hellenes’ children that the "fathers of church" are the continuance of our philosophers. If mr. Saketos was a Hellen he would teach the jews that in the Hesiodean cosmogony they will learn about their Judaism; that inside the Hellenic Religion they will feel jews and not teach Hellenes that through the Old Testament and through christianity they become Hellenes. If mr. Georgalas was a Hellen he would teach the jews that they must stop believing in jehova and believe in Zeus like all the other judeans do, otherwise Israel will be divided. And not trying instead to intimidate Hellenes by telling them that if they come back to their Native Religion they will be divided. If mr. Christodoulos was a Hellen he would teach to the jew children that Aristotle is their real prophet and not teach the Hellenes’ children that their real prophet is Moses. If mr. Georgiades was a Hellen he would teach the jews that Hellenism is the continuance of judaism, that Hellenism rescued judaism and not say to Hellenes that christianity is the continuance of Hellenism, that christianity rescued Hellenism. Those jew-slave byzantinolaters instead of trying to expand the ideological and cultural borders of Hellenism within Israel, they frantically try to preserve, and if they can, to expand the borders of judaism within Hellas. Instead of using all those tricks that we have analyzed in this Guide to hellenize the jews, they try to devise tricks to judaize the Hellenes. Instead of teaching the jews that Zeus is the only true god and that the hebrew prophets were pre-Dodecatheon Dodecatheists, they teach Hellenes that jehova is the only real god with his jesuah son and that the Hellenes wise philosophers were pre-christianity christians. Instead of expanding the National Religion of the Hellenes inside Israel, they struggle to spread and predominate the national religion of the jews inside Hellas. They become the importers, representatives and distrubutors of judaean polluting dogmas. And they think we will let them unpunished to spread around their criminal and genocide ideology.
3. All christians soon will return to the Hellenic Religion Some christians that will read our Guide may reach the wrong conclusion that we are going to use violent methods like christianity did to bring them back to our National Religion. We are not going to use any violent methods. Many christians become again Hellenes at their own free will without us doing any prosyletizing. By coming in contact with the ancient Hellenic texts, by seeing, even broken, the statues and Temples, they slowly become Hellenes by religion. Already many Hellenes cook their meals according to the ancient Hellenic recipies. Others have begun to compose ancient Hellenic music. Many Hellenes’ children through athleticism admire the ancient Hellenes who had won in the Olympic Games. Many parents do not give their children the christian names of their grandfathers but ancient Hellenic names and according to the custom. Women are conducting fashion shows with ancient Hellenic dressing. In theaters ancient Hellenic tragedies and comedies are being played. Hollywood is preparing movies for the battle of Thermopylai and for Alexander the Great. In other words the Hellenic Religion invades every field. It reaches Hellenes from infinite entrance points. Christian orthodoxy cannot shut them all. The christian Titanic is getting full with water from every side and soon it to be sunk in the depth of history. The discomfort of the christian priest we mentioned earlier about the Hellenic Post Office that has God Hermes as its logo proves something very important. That the chrisitan priest knows what we know: that the symbol of God Hermes remindes to Hellenes their Religion. The christian priests should vanish all Hellenism in order Hellenes not to be reminded of their Gods. From the day the teaching of mathematics and medicine was allowed in schools, christianity begun to crumble. Why? Simply because Christianity, in order to predominate, it had to enforce total illiteracy. Complete darkness. It forbade maths and medicine as “satanic” operations. From the moment that Hellenes begun to be taught again their sciences like the mathematics that were forbidden for 15 centuries, the beast that is called christianity begun to die. Because christianity and science are mutually exclusive. And on the other side, ancient theater, music, mathematics, painting, medicine, athleticism, astrology etc. are not just compatible but they spring from our Hellenic Religion. So christians cannot avoid their hellenization (unless they ban again mathematics and medicine...). They cannot avoid their coming back to our Hellenic Religion. Since they begun to see ancient theater again, they will someday love the Native Gods. Since they are being taught the geometry of Euclides, since they read Hellenic Philosophy, since they admire the Hellenic artwork and scultpure, someday they will become Hellenes by religion. They cannot avoid it. Since they speak the divine Hellenic language, given by our Native Gods, someday sooner or later they will become Hellenes by religion. Our Gods are so powerful that without the need of "miracles" and devine omens, they attract them and bring them back. Any christian that is named Achileus, Miltiades, Athena, Calliope sooner or later will come back to the Hellen Gods that are waiting with affection. Everything in the Hellenic Civilisation is connected with our National Religion. We Hellenes by religion, all we have to do is to spread our culture and automatically without any attempt from our side, they will become Hellenes by religion. Some persons like mr. Georgiades who advertise the classical ancient texts along with christianity only delay their own return to the Hellenic Religion. They think that they undermine us but in fact it is themselves they undermine. In the end they will be swallowed by the giant Hellenic Civilisation. That is why they should not resist. We will perform our duty and they must ease us to hellenize our people again. The christian demagogues should abandon all this nonsense about the rabbi jesuah and teach their children instead how to worship the Native Gods, so that our country will be free from misery and servility.
4. What is christianity Engrave this deeply into your minds: christianity is a technology for the enslavement of souls and consciences, and as such, we must face it with psychical reprisals. We must not be intimidated by the fanatic christian mod, nor by their illiteracy. All we need is to learn how to manipulate a christian mob. Christianity is a criminal sect, it is bloodthirsty and blood-dripping. It wants to drink the blood of the peoples it conquers. That is why we must be ruthless against it. To have no moral suspensions. Our Nation and Hellenism depend on us. We must not let the byzantinolaters like Plevres and Karatzaferes be mistaken for patriots; those who want to revive the byzantine empire are not patriots. Christianity operates like the AIDS virus. It invades the national body, eats it up and uses its nutricious elements to transport the deadly disease into other nations too. The AIDS virus destroys the immune system of an organism and then the organism dies from a simple cold. This is exactly what christianity does; it destroyes the immune (=cultural) system of a nation and then all kinds of internationalistic nation-killing theories grow inside it. Unfortunately our scientists and philosophers have not worked carefully in their laboratories to find an antidote against this nation-killing christian disease. So we, younger Hellenes, must work hard in our spiritual laboratories to invent therapeutic methods for the Hellenic Nation and all other nations to be cured from deadly sect of nazarenes. It is important for Hellenes to realise that they must stop whining for the christian slaughters. The must not protest in a weak way either, as if the modern situation is unchangable. We have been defeated because we had not studied well the psychological and military techniques of the opponent. We lack organization and hierarchy; we did not study well the tactics and strategy of the enemy. Now it is important to study the proselytizing techniques Nazarenes use, grab their own phraseology on “idolatry” and turn it against them. And on top of these, we must not have any moral suspensions to our fight against christianity. That is what the christian demagogues want: to make us feel guilty if we fight them. In a war, that which matters is the victory by any means. And we fight for the most noble and highest cause: To free our country from judaeochristianity. Cowardship and moral/emotional suspensions are not allowed. It is wrong to allow someone to cover up his cowardship and laziness with sophisms like "we will not become like the christians", "we will not use their methods". Remember that the christian priesthood has converted many Hellenes into sheeps and implanted hatred for Hellenism. Some will claim that we are trying to charge all christians with the crimes that a few fanatics committed. We answer: you are trying to accredit all christians with the goods that a few christianized Hellenes did. Be careful: the black-clothed anti-hellenic christian priesthood along with the byzantinolaters dream of the revival of byzantium. They want again to burn our books and destroy whatever is left from our Temples after the thousand year old byzantine beasts and slaughter us the way they did back then. And because now they cannot threaten us openly, they have devised a clever method: to sell at us the "hellenochristian civilisation". They put us into sleep with their speeches about Aristotle and Heracletus. They do not not speak openly like before that our philosophers are “idolaters” and organs of satan. Yet when they grow strong they will say that, and then they will destroy us. Will we let them do it again? No, we must crash those fascists that want to revive the byzantine plague. They are far worse than the nazis. We must stop them before it is too late; before they begin to light fires and burn us alive. We do not have to go through the same things to wake up and take action. Attention: the black-clothed christian stranglers of Hellenism have put on the mask of Socrates, of Aristotle, of Democretus. Until recently they mocked them, they murdered their students; and now they have supposedly become the defenders of our national heritance!! The yesterday's murderers of Hellenism pretend to be the today's saviors of Hellenism. Those that burned the 99% of our ancient literature they brag that they saved the 1%. The louder they shout they're Hellenes, the bigger liars they are. The judaean sect of the nazarenes is a thousand times more dangerous than the judaean sect ot jehoba's witnesses. The judaean sect of nazarenes is the worst enemy of Hellenism because it is camouflaged. Other sects do not propagandize that they embody/continue/come from Hellenism, it is only the judaean sect of nazarenes that does this. That is why it has misled many patriots.
5. Our target Our target: to convert mr. Christodoulos into a preacher of our National Religion and not have mr. Christodoulos convert Hellenes into propagandists of judaeochristianity. To convert mr. Plevres into a propagandist of the freedom of Hellenes from the byzantine black-clothed priesthood and not have him convert us into propagandists of the anti-hellenic byzantium. Our targets should be high: To make the christian priesthood lovers of the Hellenic Religion. It is there that our enlightement capabilities will be proved. To make mr. Christodoulos bow before Zeus. Until now mr. Christodoulos manages the opposite: to have the Hellenes bow before jehova. But it is there that our capabilities will show. Our Gods, have gifted us with superb abilities and strength. As long as we use these abilities and we will achieve the improbable: the priesthood of the nazarenes will submit to the Native Gods, realising their deception and apologising for their crimes. All Hellenes should remember that in order to save the country our National Religion must become the official Religion of the Hellenic State. In order to put an end to division all Hellenes must return to their Native Religion. If we do not unite under the protection of our Native Religion, we will be vanished as a nation. Only if we free ourselves from the judaean sect of the nazarenes will Hellas be rescued from the globalization process. Go! all together united to fight for the rescue of Hellas and mankind from the darkness of christianity. Apostolos Amyras Email: [email protected] Written in “2001”
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