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Contents, Chapter A, Chapter C, Chapter D, Chapter E, Epilogue
B. Lies of the christian demagogues We are not going to mention all the lies that disseminate today the christian demagogues because we would need volumes to write them down, so we will only mention the most common of them that circulate today in Hellenic market. I. The lies of christians about Ancient Hellas 1. "The Ancient Hellenes found everything, but ...religion" We have found everything, say the christian demagogues, but religion. Which we had to take from israelis, and this last bit they never mention in order not to emphasize too much on the size of their nonsense. In other words, they say that we discovered theater, painting, music, alphabet, mathematics, medicine, astrology, philosophy and so many other benefits of civilisation. But that we were mistaken in the subject of religion. And that the hebrew people that discovered none of all these, discovered the true religion. We want to stress here, that we have nothing to do with some christian nationalists who blame the jews for numerous things while they submit at the same time, to hebrew beliefs. We have nothing to do with anti-hebrew movements; we want to make this clear. Here we simply mention the arguments of the christians and criticize them. So the argument about the discovery of religion by the hebrews and the discovery of all other benefits from the Hellenes is full of holes. But even this first part of the christians' argument comes in contradiction with all of their history. Is it now that they found out that the ancient Hellenes had discovered mathematics, philosophy, medicine etc.? So why all these centuries didn't they try to learn something from them instead of burning them alive? Now did the christians find out about the ancient Hellenic theater? After they had forbidden it for 17 centuries? Now did the christians find out about the Hellen philosophers and their schools? After they had shut them down and burned alive the philosophers? The slaves of an anti-hellen and a man-hating sect should better wash their mouths before they speak of Ancient Hellas. We do not take lessons about culture from the murderers of the Hellenic civilisation.
2. The unknown god The whole text of the inscription about the unknown god that supposedly Saul-Paul discovered in Athens is: "To the Gods, of Asia, of Europe and of Africa, Gods unknown and foreign". So the inscription does not speak of one god, nor has the meaning that Saul and the christian liars try to give to it. The paradigm of the deceiver of the nations Saul follow the christian demagogues (G. Georgalas, K. Plevres, D. Liakopoulos, A. Saketos, A. Georgiades and others): they collect 4-5 words from here and there, they change their meaning and try to fit them in according to what suits them. And they do not care if the meaning that follows or is before the words they collect, has nothing to do with what they claim it means, or even if it means the exact opposite of what they claim. And they do this in such a cold and undisturbed way that even the greatest demagogues would envy them.
3. Christian idolatry Christianity with its fascist laws has managed to banish all opposite opinions so that it does not come into a difficult position when someone attempts to denounce its lies. With its monologue is has convinced many Hellenes that the ancient Hellenes supposedly were idolaters because they bowed before the idol statues of the Gods (note: ancient Hellenes never bowed or kissed the statues as the christians idolaters of jesuah do today). What orthodoxy hushes up is that the two other monotheist religions, Islam and Judaism forbid icons and portraits of their god and that this rule also applied in the first centuries of the byzantine empire. Hardcore christians forbade any representations of the jesuah. And because the Hellenic soul needed to express itself in an artistic way started to paint christian images since national iconography was illegal. That is why there was iconomanchy in byzantium that lasted about 100 years. A part of the christians did not want idols of jesuah while the other part did want idols. Question to all those anti-hellenes who accuse our National Religion for idolatry: how do the icons of jesuah, myriam and saints look in the eyes of a muslim or a jew? As idolatry, of course, because the monotheistic religions do not allow portaits and icon representations. And indeed the muslim and the jews blame christians for idolatry, but christian orthodoxy hushes this up also. Keep this in mind, because one day we will laugh a lot when we will see mr. Paraskevaides (archbishop Christodoulos) to study Porphyry and Celsus and to use the same arguments that they used against the christians, at his attempt to defend himself against the accusations of the muslims about the idolatry of christians... Basically the problem of christianity in relation to the Hellenic Religion seems to be in the dimensions of the idol. We depict our Gods in 3 dimensions, in statues (length, width, depth) while the christians do this in 2 dimensions (width, length). Needless to add that we do not believe that the idol statues are Gods, as christianity accuses us of, but we want the statues to be a representation of our Gods, like christians have the image of rabbi jesuah. They do not believe of course that the icon is their god and of course neither our ancestors believed that the statues were the Gods. So christians slaughtered us for something they also do themselves, in 2 dimensions instead of 3. And we are referring to the orthodox here, because in catholicism it is allowed to represent jesuah in 3 dimensions. There are many statues of the god of the christians in the west, and the most famous is the statue found in Rio de Janeiro. So the christians smashed the statues and the idols of Native Religions just to hang their own icons of their rabbi jesuah. So about idolatry, they should better discuss the subject with the muslims and with the jews. Naturally if you ask the christian demagogues at time point A why they fight against the National Religion, they will recite the usual lies about idolatry. If you ask them at time point B why they also have icons and statues of their pseudo-god and how do they face the accusations against them about idolatry, they will recite the exact opposite. At different points of time they will recite contradicting arguments. And if you ask both questions at the same time they will get a blackout. Or a GPF (general protection fault).
4. Ancient "monotheistic" texts “The Orphic theological texts were monotheistic”, “Plato was a christian before Christ”, say the christian demagogues. Of course the Orphic texts are not at all monotheistic. The christian demagogues base their lie on the fact that most Hellenes have not actually red them. Same for Plato, he has never spoken of some carpenter-messiah who would save mankind, not of judaean messiahs. But why do the christian demagogues keep repeating such things while they know that these are lies? They try to submit to us the idea that the majority of our ancestors were a little stupid who believed in many Gods, while the "great enlightened minds" had discovered the one and only god. In other words they try to convince us that in any case christianity would come, so do not protest. Accept the enforcement of christianity as something natural. Of course everyone knows that christianity was enforced through slaughters and that many ancient texts have been forged with the insertion of monotheistic phrases. The words "the gods" easily can be forged into "the god". And finally, why did the "enlightened minds" not ended up with Allah as the one and only god and why didn't they were mohammedans before mohammedanism? Even better, why did they not end up with Zeus as the one and only god but with a judaean carpenter from Nazareth? Be careful of the tricks of the christian demagogues who want to find christianity in ancient Hellas so that they can justify their slaughters and their enforcement. Why does the polytheism of our ancestors annoy Mr. Georgalas, Mr. Saketos and the likes? The soul of our people is making a heroic attempt to drag itself out of the judaeochristian cesspool. It fights with all its bravery and courage and Mr. Georgalas, Mr. Saketos and Mr. Plevres try to kick it back into the judaeochristian cesspool? And then they have the nerve to blame the jewish people that supposedly harm Hellas. What have the jews done to them and they accuse them so much? It is their own iniquities that they should be looking at. The jews take great care of their national religion and they should be praised for this. The christian demagogues, on the other hand, are the enemies of Hellas and of the Hellenic people because they persecute our National Religion. If they are the patriots, as they claim to be, why do they not choose Zeus for their only god? Why do they have to choose some god from Judaea? Why finally do they not teach our children that indeed the one and true god is Zeus? In this case, they would satisfy their ill psychosis about the one and true god and at the same time they would leave us, "deceived ones" in peace to adore along with Zeus all of our Fatherland Gods.
II. The lies of the christians about Byzantium 1. The "purification" of our Hellenic Temples by the byzantine beasts According to the usual tactic of the christian propagandists, the persecutions against Hellenes during the byzantine empire, are presented as isolated incidents, the effect of excessive zeal of a few priests and emperors. In addition, the destruction of our National Temples when they are not attributed to... pre-christianic barbar raids! (they blame Julius Caesar for the complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria, when it was the byzantine beasts that destroyed it at the command of patriarch Theofilus) they are attributed to... earthquakes! The general view they project is that there were no universal and systematic persecutions of the christians against the Hellenes. The truth is a Holocaust took place and a Genocide, that makes the nazi crimes against the jews look like nothing compared with the christian persecutions against Hellenes (see books by Vlassis Rassias: "Bring down to the ground" and "A love story: the history of the christian predomination", published by Anichti Poli). The persecutions of the nazi regime against the jews took place between 1933-1945. While the persecutions of the christians against the Hellenes began in +324 (where christianity is declared the official religion of the eastern roman empire) and continue until today with hundreds of millions victims. The inventiveness of the christian demagogues tell us that "if some slaughters actually did take place, those were during the 4th, 5th and 6th century, so why do you protest now?" We answer: with the same logic, we should not have revolted against the Turks because the slaughters by the Turks took place in 1453. The crusade by the catholics took place in 1204, why do you demand an apology from the Pope today? The fact that today no slaughters in Smyrne take place, does not mean that the Turks love the Hellenes, it means that there are not many Hellenes left living there. And most of them have been forcibly converted into muslims. So this "delayed" protest is not due to our omission but due to the fact that until recently we were outlawed and we could not express ourselves freely. To the argument of the christian demagogues that today the christians do not destroy Hellenic Temples (which is a shameless lie, they do destroy many monuments with the notorious "dig over" service of the archaeological organization) we answer that they do not reconstruct the Temples either. We are not monument-lust which means to pay taxes for keeping the crumbled monuments crumpled. The crumpled monuments should be put into museums for preservation and our Temples should be rebuilt exactly the way they were. After all there is nothing left standing for christianity today to destroy. It has already done that, so it is pointless to hear them tell us that they do not destroy our Temples today. If anything had remained standing they would have immediately demolished it according to their usual tactic. Some christians (Mr. Paraskevaides, the archbishop Christodoulos) tell us not to protest for the destruction of our Temples because they... purified them in this way and they even used pieces of broken marbles from the Hellenic Temples to build their christian churches on them… They also urge us not to protest for burning the 99% of the Hellenic literature but to thank them for... saving the 1%. Not to protest for Hellenes not getting married today according to the Hellenic custom but to be...glad because they get married according to the dance of the Hebrew prophet Hesaias. Not to protest for the judaeochristian priest wishes to the newly married couple to be as happy as...Abraham and Sara (! what a moral couple). While they should be wished to be as happy as Deukalion and Pyrra. At the same time they call upon us to be …grateful for "preserving" some degenerated ancient Hellenic customs like the "fire walkers" (initially a celebration for God Dionysus) and that they continue this way our cultural tradition through christianity. We suppose that christians with such views will of course agree that the destruction of Hellenic Temples and their conversion to christian churches for "purification" reasons, is not an exclusive right of the christians. Because the muslims also have purified many christians churches by converting them into mosques. By the way, we have no objection to the purification of the christian churches by the muslims...
2. Byzantine greekies give lessons on... hellenocentrism and... patriotism Yes, the humiliation of the roman-like country-isc that we live in, has gone that far. During the decade of 1990, the well known byzantinolater Kostas Plevris talked in his tv show in Telecity channel about Banana-state, about the Hellenic-hating state that does not publish the ancient Hellenes authors, that does not pay any attention to our monuments. And from this rhetorical argument he reached the schizophrenic conclusion that we should revive ...byzantium (!!!). That the byzantium (which was a million times more anti hellenic than the modern state) was a... Hellenic Empire (!!!!) Of course if these people (Plevres, Saketos, Georgalas and others) dared to say the things they say today, during the byzantine times, the byzantines would have burned them alive. Some christians like Adonis Georgiadis claim that since the 9th century and afterwards the byzantium is hellenized. No such thing took place, only 5-10 people took out from the dusty closets some hellenic manuscripts with spider webs on them and read them. The Olympic Games were not restored, the Hellenic Temples were not reconstructed, the Hellenic Education was not allowed and neither was the Hellenic customs and the anti-hellenic legistlation of Theodosius and Jutprada (Justine) was not abolished. And here is the satanic fraud of the christian propagandists: while they destroyed the 99% of the Hellenic ways and customs and kept the most harmless (the Hellenic wedding is the most dangerous for them and still is being prosecuted today) under judaean clothing, they arrogantly praise themselves for these. They want a medal those byzantinolaters for the persecutions against Hellenism and they try to mock us further. When we refuse to accept their vomiting lies about the “Hellenic” byzantine empire, they accuse us of being followers of Falmeryer and of being agents of Zionism. Misters christian judaeoslaves, Zionism has not committed one millionth of the crimes your "religion" has, against Hellenism. You may lie but there are limits even there...
3. We did not perform the slaughters, the... emperors did" We didn't do them it's the bad emperors that did, cry the christian liars. A monstrous lie. Byzantium was a theocratic monarchy where the emperor was at the same time head of the christian church. Byzantium was a monarchy with the mercy of their god. Like the regime of Homeini, like the regime of the Taliban. Religion and state were the one and same thing. For those crimes, completely responsible are the patriarchs and christianity, the formal ideology of the anti-hellenic byzantinte empire. And the most ridiculous thing is that whenever in the media the crimes of christianity are mentioned, the Christian orthodox priesthood puts up a serious face and declares: "it's the catholics and the protestants that did them, not the orthodox". Needless to add that all the emperors-murderers of Hellenes have been declared “saints” by the orthodox. So their excuse "the emperors did it" is useless, since they have declared those murderers as “saints” and this means that they consider them worthy of praise. It is as if the christian demagogues say that even if in the whole world, wherever the christan plague passed slaughtered millions of people, the good christ chose Hellas and said: "Hey guys, here we will not do any slaughters, let's go somewhere else to slaughter...". Fortunately Zeus revenged christianity by completely destroying byzantium, this area of pollution for mankind.
4. The biggest historical lie in global chronicles "We were slaves to the Roman gentiles and to the muslim Turks but free during byzantium". This is the answer you get from the average modern Hellenes, if you ask them, because this is what they are taught in the school and this is what the media tell them. For some reason the christian demagogues seem to think that during byzantium... WE WERE NOT SLAVES TO THE ROMAN CHRISTIANS BUT FREE (!!!). That's incredible yet true; all rational thinking men should say that it does not matter if the conqueror is Roman gentile or Roman christian or muslim Turk. He is a conqueror. Still, for the christian byzantinolaters Hellas of 324-1453 was not enslaved to the Romans but... a free country. Why? Because the conqueror had the same religion with the contemporary "enlightened ones" who teach that the byzantium was a Hellenic empire. The same things would the muslim greeks say, if Islam had predominated in Hellas, for the Ottoman Empire: That supposedly from 1453 to 1821 we were not slaves to the Turks but free men. Let's see these historical periods according to the christian view: In -146, Hellas is conquered by Roman gentiles. In +324 the Roman emperor Constantine declares christianity as the sole official religion of the empire. All other religions are outlawed. From 324 to 1453 we are ...free under the...byzantines (=roman christians). From 1453 we are slaves to the muslim Turks. This is the tale that the nazarene sect teaches to the Hellenic children. We do not believe that there is another nation in the world that is being taught its history in such a distorted way. The christian catechists teach us in schools that from 324 to 1453 we were free (!!), rulers, world-keepers. In other words they agree with us that from -146 to +324 we were enslaved to the Roman gentiles and from 1453 to 1821 enslaved to the Turks. But for the period 324-1453 the byzantinolaters do not agree with the Hellenes. Hellas was not under conquest (!) they say. We were...free (!!!). What happened christian byzantinolaters in +324 and we were freed from the Roman gentiles? Some revolution like the one in 1821? Here, there is absolute darkness. According to the christian demagogues the fact that Roman conquerors changed religion and enforced it violently to Hellenes, this makes us....free civilians. This converts the eastern Roman christian empire into... a Hellenic one (!). Those greekies depend their freedom on the conqueror's religion. If the conqueror has the same religion with us then we are free, otherwise slaves. Fine, shameless christian byzantinolaters, but tell us now: the Hellenes that were converted to islam violently during the reign of the Turks, were they free men or slaves? Of course slaves, would a rational man answer; but according to the minds of the christian demagogues they should be considered free men. So, to sympathize with the nonsense and the servility of the christian byzantinolaters, we, Hellenes, should be saying that from -146 until +324 we were not slaves but free... because the Roman gentiles believed in Jupiter (Zeus) and Minerva (Athena). And we should start crying out "long live our caesars"… Can you imagine us doing such a thing? Everyone would be laughing at us. But with the byzantinolaters we must not laugh... The chief of those byzantinolaters, Kostas Plevres, had the nerve to repeat constantly from the Telecity channel that we should built statues of ...our byzantine emperors! But in that case we would become the first nation in the world that builds statues for its conquerors and slaughterers!!!! The humiliation of Hellas will be unprecedented. In the meantime the same company (G. Karatzaferis, A. Georgiades, K. Plevres and others) was upset by rumors that wanted the Minister of foreign affairs, G. Papandreou, to have promised to the Iranians to build a statue of Dareius in Marathon. For these byzantine knights the building of a statue of the Persian conqueror Dareius is an insult. Yet the building of statues in memory of the Roman christian (byzantine) conquerors will...brighten our country! Let them have them, but why not let also the Muslim greeks make statues of the Turk sultans and we, Hellenes, make statues of the Roman gentile caesars? Whoever answers this riddle wins a pentalpha of David. So we will all be able to become a circus touring around Hellas and make money by selling byzantine "patriotism" like mr. Plevris and Co.
5. "After the 9th century Byzantium turns... Hellenic" Says so mr. Adonis Georgiadis. How did you end up with this astonishing conclusion? we would ask mr. A. Georgiadis. Because, said mr. A. Georgiadis in Extra channel, in the 9th century there was a statue of Goddess Hera in the ...hippodrome of Constantinople. With the nonsense of the christians there is no way to conclude what actually happened historically. But we will answer this by showing in what way we examine what happened to byzantium. When we want to analyze the history of a state, we make transversal and oblong cuttings into its history, in all levels. Such a research for the history of byzantium during the 9th century would require knowledge of the anthropological, religious, economical, political, diplomatic and military conditions of byzantium during this period. We must know which is the racial composition of byzantium during the 9th century. Which are its customs and ethics of the multinational byzantium, which were the common spoken languages. Is there autonomous Hellenic state recognised in the diplomatic level? Do we have to pay taxes to the Roman christians? Are we Roman christians? Do we practice freely our Native Religion in the 9th century? Is the Oracle Temple of Delphi in operation? Are the Hellen children being taught Homer and Aristotle, or the psalms of David? In all these questions mr. Adonis Georgiadis fails to answer. He merely mentions a statue of Goddess Hera in the hippodrome, which could have been there for the byzantine beasts to spit at. So from the fact that there is one Hellenic statue (if there actually was, because with the shameless lies of the christian demagogues you cannot trust them in any way) in the hippodrome, we cannot make any conclusions for the racial, ethnological, political and cultural situation of byzantium during the 9th century. In Mexico as well, there is a statue of Goddess Athena, so what? Mexico turns Hellenic? And in the United States there are cities with Hellenic names and in their universities the Hellenes classical authors are being taught, far more than the modern Helladistan. So what does this mean? That the US are a Hellenic country? Or that the US turns Hellenic? and in Turkey the ministry of culture preserves the Hellenic monuments. So what does this mean? That Turkey turns Hellenic? Also Turkey has allowed the operation of some christian churches. So what does this mean? That Turkey is turning christian? Of course the trick of mr. A. Georgiadis is that he fails to define what does the phrase "turn Hellenic" means. Does he mean by this that the Hellenes are no more burned alive by the byzantine beasts? Is this what he terms "turning Hellenic" means? But even this is a lie too, because Nikon the “Repent” during the 9th century was slaughtering the Hellenes of Sparta and Nikiforus Fokas during the 10th century slaughtered the Hellenes of Crete. Is this the "hellenization" of byzantium? The trick of the christian lies to the fact that they do not explain to the listeners what does formation of a country mean and in what way a country can be named Hellenic. To reveal the size of their distortion we will apply their "logic" to other historical periods, to see if it's valid. In 1870 Crete has Hellenic population and Hellenic language, but it is part of the Ottoman empire. That an area of the Ottoman empire has preserved its Hellenic language and population, what does it mean? That the Ottoman empire is being hellenized? From the military and political point of view the island of Crete, in 1870 belongs to Ottoman empire. So the language and the customs of Crete do not provide us with the cultural map of Turkey-Ottoman empire. Some cunning muslim, of the A. Georgiadis type, could justify the conquests of Turkey with the arguments of the christians and he could say that in the 19th century the Ottoman empire is being "hellenized" because in Crete they speak the Hellenic language. And some muslim Georgiadis could pretend to be "hellenic-centered" justifying this way the conquests of the Turks. Even for the contemporary country we live in, we cannot say that it is Hellenic, so how can one claim such a thing for byzantium of the 9th century? A mere walk in Athens will convince everybody that there is not one Hellenic Temple, that the religion, the customs and ethics are judaeochristian, the names of the Hellenes are judaeochristianturkobyzantinofranc, the monument of naval battle in Salamina a cesspool, the inscriptions of the stores are all in english and the music that the young Hellenes listen to is angloamerican. Where exactly did they see the Hellenic country? How dare they say that the byzantium of the 9th century is being "hellenized"? Had any byzantine emperor reconstructed some Hellenic Temple? Had the conduction of Olympic Games been allowed? Had the practice of the Hellenic Religion been allowed? Byzantium being "hellenized" in relation to what? Provide a standard of comparison. In relation to the period that byzantium burned alive philosophers and books? But there were no philosophers available in byzantium of the 9th century; they were all already burned. There were none left to burn. So that they stopped burning philosophers from a period onwards it does not mean that the byzantine beasts were "hellenized", but instead that there was no Hellen philosopher left to burn. If there was any, they would have burned this one too. Conclusion: there is no Hellenic state with the political, military, law, racial and cultural meaning of the term during the byzantine plague. There are only some Hajajars of christianity who are being paid by orthodoxy to publicly broadcast, in the same way the town crier Hajajar of the popular tale publicly announced the news of the sultan, the "hellenization" of byzantium. And the same tales would a Hellen muslim say about Ottoman empire, that was supposedly "hellenized", if today Islam had conquered Hellas. Now that Hellas is enslaved by christianity, they preach that the byzantium supposedly was "hellenized".
6. "Globalization is coming, gather yourselves around... orthodoxy to... save us!" The insolence of the christian demagogues is unbelievable; while they speak against globalization, at the same time they support an international anti-national theory and praise the multi-racial, multi-cultural state of byzantium. And as if this were not enough, christian nationalists like mr. Plevres accuse the two major political parties of Hellas, PASOK and ND of promoting the... multi-cultural Greece!!! (while if they promoting the multi-cultural byzantium they would be... patriots like mr. Plevres...). Christian nationalists blame these two parties because they hellenized the Albanians immigrants while they have hellenized and pronounced “saints” all the byzantine christian slaughterers of our Nation. If this is not betrayal then what is betrayal? Basically orthodoxy, like communism, screams against foreign globalizations. Their own globalization is nice; it is the globalization of others that is bad... We would like to inform all those byzantinolaters that we Hellenes are not afraid of the modern globalization because we are well trained. Having survived the christian-byzantine globalization nothing scares us now.
7. "Let's revive... their byzantine empire" Urge the christian propagandists. Unfortunately for the first time in global chronicles, the servility masquerades itself with the cloth of nationalism. Christian nationalists feel very sad that byzantium crumbled while, according to their sick minds, we should have remained another 1000 years as slaves to the Roman christians for them to feel good. According to them it was not good that other peoples separated themselves from byzantium. Which is exactly what we should have done: revolt against the byzantine beasts, separate ourselves from them and create an independent Hellenic State. Of course they too celebrate with us the revolution of 1821 that separated us from the Ottoman empire; but if the Ottoman empire was a christian one, they would call traitors the Hellenes that revolted in 1821. I guess the same thing they will say about us, who declare that we should have revolted against the byzantines. Because, as we have said, the christians depend their attitude on the religion of the conqueror. We, on the other hand, are very glad about the crumbling of byzantine empire and we declare this: In 1453 we did not become slaves to the Turks while we were free men before, as the christian demagogues falsely claim. In 1453 the Hellenic lands and Hellenic populations were under triple possession: byzantine (Roman christian orthodox), Franc catholics and muslim Turks (who possessed many Hellenic lands before the fall of Constantinople). And the same situation occurred during 1940-1944 in Hellas. Most people, because of the movies they watch, are under the impression that we were only under the German occupiers. While the truth is that there was a triple possession: nazi Germans, Italian fascists and Bulgarian commitage. So in 1453 there is a conflict between two of our conquerors (byzantine and turks) who both used Hellen soldiers. The same thing took place in the franc-turkish wars in Crete, during 1645-1669. Both conquerors use enslaved Hellenes for their conflicts. This is the tragic truth. So should we feel upset because two of the three conquerors fought with each other? If in 1453 it was the Francs that had fought with the Turks and had been defeated, should we feel upset about it? The byzantine was a conqueror, the Turk was a conqueror, so what's the difference? In religion? We do not care about the religion of the conqueror. Hellenes must not feel upset that one of the conquerors -the byzantine- was defeated, but be glad instead. And the lands the Turks gained, they would have been taken by the Franc catholics. Still under conquest we would be. The right thing would have been to exterminate all: Byzantines, Turks and Francs. To get rid of all three conquerors from our lands. But unfortunately we did not had such power back then. The Hellenic Soul was seriously ill from the plague of the nazarenes. And one last thing about the byzantine empire ...of theirs. If the christian nationalists try to revive that, we will fight them until their very end. Also, they should stop whining about the increasing influx of illegal immigrants, pretending to be patriots. We do not have some special affection for the illegal immigrants but if the byzantine empire were to be revived, then we Hellenes would have to become illegal immigrants. We would have to escape to Albania to save ourselves from the byzantine beasts. But this time we will not remain passive in front of the new byzantine beast that wants to feed itself with our blood. So the christian nationalists better watch their words when they speak about revival of the byzantine empire. This time we will not remain passive and wait to be burned. This time we will apply the "fight fire with fire". And will see who will win this time. Christianity or Hellenism?
8. Byzantine greekies blame the Minister of Foreign Affairs for... servility A major fuss took place when the Minister of foreign affairs, mr. G. Papandreou laid a wreathe at Kemal Ataturk's monument. Many Hellenes were upset, amongst them many byzantinolaters, like Georgios Karatzaferes. We of course, as Hellenes, strongly disagree with mr. Papandreou's act. Kemal was a slaughterer of Hellenes and we do not discriminate our slaughterers with respect to their religion. But mr. Karatzaferes does. Now if mr. Papandreou had laid a wreathe at Justin's monument, mr. Karatzaferes would have praised him as a patriot! So the only thing that the politicians of the two major parties - PASOK and ND- need to do if they want to develop the "greek-turkish frienship" without reactions from the christian nationalists, is to counter-balance the negative impression with laying wreaths at byzantine emperors so that they will also receive the praise of the christian byzantine nationalists. So go on, byzantinolaters, show us some more of your servility! Lay wreaths at byzantine emperors' monuments who were slaughterers of Hellenes. We only hope you do not make fools of yourselves even more, if some muslim Hellenes lay wreaths at monuments of Turkish sultans. They swear at Minister of foreing affairs, mr. G. Papandreou, because he calls the Turks friends while they have the effrontery to call the christian Slav Serbes...brothers (!!!) And without blushing with shame. Since when are we brothers with enemies of Hellenes much worse than Turks? Because they're christian orthodox? So what? Slavs are our enemies, they just want to reach to the Aegean sea, don't these people ever read history? We ask all those byzantine greekies: If the minister of foreign affairs declared "long live the Ottoman empire" what would be the consequences for him? Everyone in Hellas would be hunting him. Still the byzantine greekies cry shamelessly and without punishment "long live the byzantine empire". And if the Ottoman empire was christian, they would have no problem with the Turks, then the Turks would be their brothers like...the christian Serbs. We ask all those byzantine greekies: what would happen to us Hellenes, if we shouted "long live the gentile Roman empire of the Caesars"? Wouldn't everyone laugh at us? Wouldn't they say "why do you celebrate? because the Romans of those times believed in their national religion?" Can you imagine the Hellenes make pleas for the revival of the Roman empire of Julius Caesar? Can you imagine the muslim Hellenes make pleas for the revival of the Ottoman empire? Can you imagine the catholic Hellenes to make pleas for the revival of the Francs’ empire? Everyone would laugh at us and call us traitors. And so should we laugh and call traitors the christian nationalists who make pleas for the revival of byzantine (Roman christian) empire. At the same time with immense nerve, those byzantine greekies call... greekies all those who do not want the revival of the byzantine beast. In other words we are greekies because we do not want to enslave ourselves (!!). Can you imagine a muslim Hellen call us greekies for not wanting the revival of the Ottoman empire? Everyone would laugh their heads off. Christian nationalists pretend to be patriots by betraying Hellenism. They want to submit Hellenism to christianity. They say than not only the byzantines were our brothers but even worse, that we are.... genuine descendants of the byzantine beasts!!! The byzantine greekies felt upset by the public statement of a well known hebrew zionist that "we should strike at the Hellenes' language and civilisation" and they are not upset about byzantium and christianity which striked at the Hellenes' language and civilization. They worry about what the zionists will do to us and not what the byzantine beasts did to us. They feel upset about the anti-hellenic statements of a zionist and not about the anti-hellenic, full-of-hate-for-Hellenes texts of judaeochristianity.
9. "Let's reconcile" If one listens carefully to the cries for "reconciliation" will notice another fraud of the christian nationalists. They ask from us not to forget the crimes of the Perses, Turks, Hebrews, Communists, Catholics etc. that were committed against Hellenes. Only the crimes of the byzantines they ask us to forget. Why especially the crimes of the byzantines, byzantine greekies? Why not also of the catholics, why not of the Hebrews? Why not of the Turks too? Why not of the nazis also? What are you?, some special human race that has some special lifetime amnesty for all the crimes you have committed and you are still committing against Hellenism? Who gave you this special kind of amnesty? Your rabbi, the jesuah? Well, we do not recognise this guy as a god, neither as a judge that forgives exclusively your crimes. You never, ever forgave our "crime", that we are Hellenes by religion. You burned us and even until today you persecute us. Why should we forgive you?
10. "Don't be... intolerant" Urges the well known christian "archaeolater" A. Georgiades. And of course he calls upon us to remember the battle of Marathon but not the slaughters of byzantines because that way "we will become intolerant". While the judaean sect of the nazarenes that mr. Georgiades subscribes to, who made us outlaws, is not intolerant!!! The "religion" of mr. Georgiades is not intolerant…it merely hates all the non-christian orthodox who are Hellenes. And for the argument's sake, let's say that we forget the slaughters of the christians, so why do you christian nationalists take great care in reminding us the memory of your "saint" murderers? Why do you not celebrate the memory of the National Martyr and Philosopher Hypatia and celebrate the memory of the "saint"-murderer bishop Cyrillus, who was responsible for her murder? Why do you celebrate the memories of the murderers Theodosius A' and Justine and not the memory of their victims? Why do you call upon us to erase from our memories our National Martyrs instead of erasing from your calendars the "saint" subhumans that slaughtered us? We shall never forget the crimes of christianity against the Hellenes because if we do, then the same things will happen to us again. Of course many of those christian byzantinolaters pretend to be democrats (!!!). What does democracy have to do with a theocratic monarchy "with the mercy of their god"? With a theocracy regime like byzantium? This only a byzantine fascist can explain to us, because we cannot. We clearly see that there is a coordinated attack of christian-fascism against Hellenes masqueraded as patriotism and with "town criers" the christian nationalists.
III. The lies of the christians about nowdays 1. "You, go to war to... save us" Due to the inactivity of Hellenes, while christianity crumbles into pieces all over Europe, in Hellas it has climbed on the back of the Hellenic Movement and with the rider's whip it cries: Go, fight for ...OUR rescue (!). Fight Hellenes so that ...christianity is saved (!!). If we get ruined, so... will you (!!!). What an emotionally touching tale... Only a jerk would fight to save the juadean sect of the nazarenes. And because the Hellenes are not such sheep nor such jerks as the christian demagogues think, they have realised the anti-hellenic nature of christianity. This is why the priesthood is panicked, because they will end up with no sheep in their sheep farms. That is why they use those amazing "mathematical equations": Hellenism=christianity=orthodoxy=priesthood, which means whoever strikes at the archbishop Christodoulos strikes at.... Hellenism (!!). The arguments of the christians against the revived Hellenes are amazing, trully worthy examples of propaganda. Their inventiveness is impressive: "You are fanatics... you are extremists... we will lose Hellenism we lose our Christianity…orthodoxy should not be vanished". And they continue undaunted: "let's forget everything now... to unite under the flag of orthodoxy, that is where our strength lies (they do not ask for union under the flag of Hellenism but under the flag of the …byzantine beast). "You displease us with your stance (by revealing the genocide of the Hellenes by the christians)". "The positive contribution of orthodoxy to Hellenism is beyond doubt (of course, book-burning and author-burning)". That is how the christian priesthood whines because they know what Stalin knew back in 1940: that the Russian people did not give a dime for communism and were not going to fight to save communism from the invasion of the nazi Germans. That is why, cleverly, Stalin offered the bait "let's save the nation" and converted the war into a patriotic war. Same with orthodoxy, they know that no Hellen will fight for the rescue of the christian priesthood but all Hellenes would fight for Hellas. So cleverly they use the equation: "an attack against the orthodoxy=an attack against Hellas". They keep talking for “hellenochristians”. There is no such concept of a “hellenochristian” man, it is something they have entirely constructed themselves. What kind of term is this? One cannot be Hellen and christian at the same time. Either he is Hellen or a christian, not both. One cannot be at the same time both woman and man, but only the one or the other. Both cannot occur unless we're talking of some hybrid. And this is exactly what hellenochristianity actually is: a hybrid ideology. And because christianity=judaism, christians cannot speak of hellenojudaean civilisation. It sounds kind of ugly, that is why they name their judaic ideology, christianity.
2. The "Hellenic" roots of christianity If christianity really did have its roots in Hellenism, then the christian teachers would be teaching in schools the Hesiodean Cosmogony and not the hebrew one. Prophets would be Pythia and the Hellenes Manteis and the rabbi jesuah would refer to the Laws of Solon and Lycurgus and not to the Moses laws. He would say "I have not come to abolish Lycurgus' laws but to complete them". Our official wise men would be Heracletus and Thales, not Saul-Paul. And jesuah would be the son of Zeus not of Jehova. So the christian propagandists are cheap demagogues and liars. With so many obvious judean elements they do ...alchemies to prove that the judean sect of the nazarenes has Hellenic roots. This is called cheating of the Hellenic people. They betray Hellenism and become the instruments of zionism in Hellas and on top of it they have the nerve to say that it is us that are agents of zionism. If we are wrong in giving them these names, then they should prove to us the opposite. They should publicly declare that from now on the Hellenic children will be taught both our National Religion along with the christian, since "christianity is the continuance of Hellenism". No, the christian demagogues will never take such a decision because they hate Hellenism which is unbreakably bound with our National Religion. Not only do they teach the national religion of the Hebrews to Hellenes’ children through the Old Testament but at the same time they forbid the teaching of the Hellenic Religion of the Hellenes. And this is how the christian demagogues "prove" the continuity of Hellenism and christianity: by teaching the Hebrew religion to Hellenes’ children and forbidding the Hellenic one!!!
3. "Do not fight us" Christian demagogues call upon us to stop fighting christianity. Our answer is that the Hellenes (wrongly) do not fight christianity. And of course the Hellenes are accused of that also, according to the standard tactic of christian propagandists. In addition it is christianity that fights with rage for 2000 years now our National Religion. In other words they call upon us not to fight their "religion" in order for them to continue fighting ours undisturbed!!! They declare war against us with the national-treachery phrase "orthodoxy and Hellenism go together" and with the anti-hellenic phrase "Hellas of the Hellen christians". So whoever is not a christian orthodox is not a Hellen!!! That is how the national treason of orthodoxy in 1923 was conducted with the population exchange between Turkey and Greece, where the criteria for the exchange was only the... religion. Result: thousands of Hellenes citizens, Hellenes by race and conscience but muslims by religion were considered... Turks(!!!) by the christian roman country-isc and were sent to Turkey!!! Needless to say that our unfortunate brothers had been converted to Islam either by force or in order to escape the heavy turkish taxes and humiliation. And these refer only to the crime that was committed on Hellenic ground. Because the national treachery agreement included the expulsion of 1.500.000 Hellenes of Asia Minor from the turkish ground, because these were considered christian orthodox so they should be sent to Hellas, according to the agreement. So in either case, whether one was a Hellen who lived in Hellas but was muslim or a Hellen who was considered christian orthodox but lived in Turkey, he was forced to abandon his home. This is orthodoxy, a worm feeding from the flesh of Hellenism.
4. "Unity" with the... Dodecatheists!! The arguments about "unity" aim at orthodoxy preserving the monopoly for proselytizing the Hellenes into its criminal heresy. Any other religious voice is considered nation-dividing that will harm Hellenism. This argument is very easy to vitiate because according to the same "logic" we must not have many political parties but only one, so that the unity of Hellenes is secured. Orthodoxy baptizes its religious dictatorship as unity. But just as have the right to choose between political parties, we have the right to choose our religion. If not, with the same "logic" the PASOK political party could grab all the infants, enroll them in the party and then claim that 95% of Hellenes are voters of PASOK. And then outlaw all other political parties to avoid national "division". The charlatanism of the christian propagandists in the matter of "unity" is proved from their attitude towards catholocism. While they call upon us to forget their crimes against us, they DO NOT ACCEPT UNION with the catholics!! With whom they have basically the same religion. In addition they KEEP REMINDING US CONSTANTLY the crimes of the catholics to the orthodox christians. Here is the hypocrisy of the orthodox demagogues. In the bottom line, if they cannot unite with a dogma similar to theirs, how can they unite with us, who have nothing in common? What does Aristotle have to do with Moses? Or Heracletus with Saul? If we are to forget the crimes of the christian orthodox against Hellenes, then we should also forget the crimes of German nazi, Turks, Bulgarians and Persians. Why not forget the crimes of the Bulgarian christian orthodox? They are orthodox too by religion. Why did you call upon the Pope to apologize to you? Why did you not tell him what you tell us: "let's forget everything and unite". It is both tragic and comical the propaganda of the christian orthodox sect in Hellas. They cannot unite with another christian dogma and want to unite orthodoxy with Hellenism? This is unnatural and abnormal. What they ask is not just impossible, it is the very definition of schizophrenia. That which divides Hellenes is christian orthodox sect. We are all children of Zeus and not of rabbi jesuah. All Hellenes descend from Deukalion and Pyrra and not from Abraham and Sara. The union of Hellenes will take place under the protection of the Fatherland Gods and not under the protection of Hebrew prophets. Our sacred places are Delphi and Delos, not Jerusalem. Whoever supports the opposite, like the orthodoxy, divides us. Causes cracks to our national body. Betrays Hellenism, its ancestors and out Native Gods. So it is orthodoxy that divides Hellas because it wants to enslave us to judaism and not the Hellenes who want to bring us into the warm cuddle of our Native Gods. The union of Hellenes will be performed under the banner of Hellenism and not under the banner of judaochristianity. Christian demagogues frantically try to persuade us that the war they have been conducting against us is non-existent. That they do not kill us but love us. That there were no slaughterers but brothers to us. It took them 17 centuries of ruthless slaughters and prohibition of all other opinions to enforce their anti-hellenic judaean sect. Now let's see how much they'll endure under the constant blows of Hellenes without help from the policeman and the prosecutor. Some christians ask "so what you want us to do? We cannot undo what was done. At best of the cases we will recognise that you are a religion and we might let you even built a temple". This argument is as if a criminal takes a demolition machine, destroys your house, grabs it by force, builds on it a house of his own, steals all of your fortune and burns your family alive. And then after a long court battle, to have the nerve to demand that you should resign from your legal claims with the indefinite promise that he WILL probably recognise that the area/lot that he lives in now, MIGHT be yours. The judge of course according to the laws will order to have his house demolished, to rebuilt yours with the criminal's own expenses and to put the criminal to jail for the murders that he has committed. His fortune, if any, will be seized and given to the victim as moral and material compensation. This is the legislation that is applied to criminals who violate and raid foreign property and murder the owners. Using the "logic" of the christian demagogues "once upon a time, christianity and Hellenism clashed, but now all these are history, christians today do not murder idolaters", we can also say that today the Americans do not kill the American native Indians any more. So there is no problem, all are fine and well. Yes it’s true, the native americans cannot fight the american conquerors, but we can fight the byzantine conquerors.
5. "We are surrounded and face many dangers, we must not fight with each other now" Christian demagogues claim that "we are surrounded by so many enemies; we are at a crucial moment in history, so we must stay united". For 17 centuries that they were slaughtering us, there was no problem, now that they are crumbling suddenly they felt sympathetic for Hellenes. In 1453 refused to unite with the catholics and preferred to submit to the Turks. They ruthlessly exterminated even doctrines and sects that were very similar to them, like the areians, the monophysites, the paulicians and so many others. In all of their historical course they wanted to remain the sole dominators of all religious life of this land, slaughtering all heterodox, and now suddenly they remembered unity? Now that they're dying? Why did they never speak of unity when they were slaughtering us? When they slaughtered the areians and the paulicians, why did they never speak of unity? When they conducted their crusades and slaughtered millions of innocent people, why did they not speak of unity? Now it is too late, now there are open accounts that need to be settled. And it is not just us, there are many enemies of orthodoxy that we will watch them beat it ruthlessly from all sides, to our satisfaction. If someone thinks that the above words are too hard for orthodoxy, he should think also that orthodoxy never recognised or apologised for any crimes it committed against Hellenes. It has never even given a public apology (contrary to the Pope who has given a public apology) and continues with immense nerve to have for "saints" all the murderers of Hellenes, like Theodosius A'. In addition, with the anti-hellenic laws of dictator Ioannis Metaxas, that the orthodox passed, has outlawed us and if today we are able to make public appearances, this is due to the directions of the European Union and not due to the tolerance of orthodoxy. Conclusion: unity with the enemies of Hellenism equals national treachery.
6. The tactic of the half truth Christian demagogues use extensively the tactic of half truth which is equal with a a whole lie. They say that ancient Hellas developed a great civilisation (the truth bit) to PROVE A LIE: that the orthodoxy is the continuity of Hellenism. They throw a truthful bit as bait in order to trap you and inject you with the poison of judaochristianity.
7. The christian charlatans discovered the... byzantine Hellenism Basilis Misyris, the well known byzantinologist has discovered the byzantine Hellenism (!), like the nazi Hellenism (because nazis admired Acropolis…), like ottoman Hellenism, like communist Hellenism, like so many other "Hellenistic" civilisations... Why do these byzantinolaters circulate this lies around? Where do they base this? First they have understood that Hellenes are no sheep and do not accept the equation byzantium=Hellas. So they try to come up with something that does not sound that ugly, like the word byzantium does. And made up the byzantine Hellenism. Where do they base the circulation of such a lie? They will tell you that the Hellenes were not lost in byzantium but they continued to produce art, songs, music, etc. Well the same thing happened to the Hellenes who were conquered by Francs, so why do they not speak of francic Hellenism too? Also during the Ottoman empire, the Hellenes preserved their customs and ways as best as they could under these circumstances. Why do they not speak of Ottoman Hellenism? The same thing happened during the stalinic-communist dictatorship in Euxeinus Pontus. The Hellenes of Pontus preserved as much as they could their customs and ways, so why do they byzantinolaters not speak of communist Hellenism? Adonis Georgiades, the new "enlightened one" of the...."byzantine civilisation", during one of his tv shows in Blue Sky channel apoligised by saying: "But...we can't have it another way, ...byzantium is....the medieval Hellenism (!!)". Yes, such a point has the nerve of the byzantinolaters reached…to attribute the medieval darkness of byzantium not to christianity but to... Hellenism!!! "Medieval Hellenism" cries out the byzantinolaters who pretends to be archaeolater. That is how he cashes the ancient Hellenic language lessons he gives to children, with hybris against Hellenism. Why those byzantinolaters have they not discovered Roman Hellenism (we do not accept such a phraseology, we're merely making analogies) between -146 and +324, when the Roman gentiles let us freely to practice our religion and did not burn libraries and philosophers? Back then, was there not Roman Hellenism? When the Roman christian beasts started to burn people, Temples and books, then those misters discovered the byzantine Hellenism. It is clearly obvious that before Constantine "the great" all roman emperors are bad (as idolaters) for the christians Hellenism is considered enslaved, while after Constantine all emperors except for Julian are considered angels (as christians) for the christians Hellenism is considered...free. That is when the byzantine Hellenism accomplishes... great works (!) according to byzantinolaters. Immidiately after the byzantine beasts started the genocide of Hellenes... To the permanent lie of the christian demagogues that the crimes were committed by a handful of fanatics we answer that in every place the christian plague reached, peoples and civilizations were destroyed: Russia, Germany, Britain, Asia, South America. We have never said that the slaughters took place only in Hellas. It is as if the christians claimed today that the crimes that the Islamists are committing have nothing to do with the heterodox-hating education they receive but only with certain persons. Mr. G. Georgalas in a recently published book titled "Religion of Hellenes" tries to intimidate Hellenes by writing that the revival of the Dodecatheon (=our National Polytheistic Religion) will harm Hellenism because of the "division of Hellenes". We answer: the revival of our Native Religion will do much, much harm to orthodoxy and be very, very beneficial to Hellenism. It is orthodoxy that harms Hellenism because it propagandizes judaean theories. Except if mr. Georgalas manages to convince us that Hellenism is not represented by its spiritual mother, the Hellenic Religion, but from its slaughterer, christianity. In any case, for mr. Georgalas to stop worrying about the possible "division" of Hellenes he only has to go back to our Native Religion so that he will cease being a divided personality. When all Hellenes return to their National Native Religion, there will be no issue of "division". We only hope that the christians do not expect from us to turn christians because they will wait until the millionth Second Presence (and even longer). Hellenes that have been converted to christianity will some day be Hellenes by religion, the opposite is impossible. The time that christanity burned Hellenes alive has passed, now christianity has to perform its fight with equal weapons. But it cannot perform any fight. It's life has come to the end. Christians know all too well that christianity has already hanged a sign outside its door writing "undertaker wanted". There are very few years of life left to christianity and already the cultural map of Europe, according to E.U's constitution does not include christianity as a cultural element of Europe.
8. "No to... division" The christian slanderers of Hellenes whine that we make the people turn away from their true problems and according to the christian demagogues the real problems of the people are economy, unemployment, health etc. This is a big lie. The true problem of the Hellenic Nation is its cultural identity. That it is judean-originated, that it cannot produce civilization due to the anti-hellenic orthodoxy that is strangling it. That it honours as “saints” its own slaughterers, that it has been enslaved for centuries by byzantines and Turks because of the christian orthodox priesthood. If our nation does not vomit the christian poison that is killing it, it will not survive. Without a cure from the christian disease we will not be able ever to stand on our feet. It is not possible for a nation to survive when it names brothers the christian orthodox Slavs and enemies-“idolaters” the devout who believe in Hellenic Religion. For orthodoxy brothers are not the Hellenes catholics, the Hellenes muslims, the Hellenes etc, but the... christian orthodox Serbs. And then they have the immense nerve to accuse us of ...dividing the nation's identity!!!
IV. The lies of the christians about their priests 1. "There is a difference between christianity and its representatives" Christian priesthood use the following trick: whenever they are accused of their crimes (e.g. bishop Cyrillus for Hypatia’s death) they say that "There is a difference between christianity and its representatives". When we accuse archbishop Christodoulos of intolerance and heterodox-hatred, they accuse us of striking orthodoxy and Hellenism, through his personality. Whenever it is against their interests they separate christianity from the christian priesthood and whenever it suits them they identify christianity with the christian priesthood. The orthodox priesthood accuses the Pope because of the "unmistakable", while they preach that they and only they possess the only truth and all the other christians are heretics. From their symbol of faith (their dogma) not even one word can be added or removed. Who accuses Pope about the "unmistakable"? The "unmistakable" dark-ists... Lately the christian priesthood is conducting a propaganda battle to convince Hellenes that they supposedly must preserve their national identity under globalization. Be careful Hellenes, when the christian priesthood speaks of national identity it means the judaeochristian cultural identity that they have enforced through slaughters. They only call it national because they cannot call it with its true name. We surely are going to preserve our national identity; we have nothing to fear. We have survived byzantium and preserved our national identity, and now are we going to be afraid? But the christian priesthood is afraid that Hellenes will lose their judaeochristian identity; that is why they whine with crocodile tears. The national identity of Hellenes will be preserved through our National Religion and not through the judean sect of the nazarenes. The nerve of the christian priesthood is limitless when they say that the cultural term "Hellen" will be lost!! While for more than 1000 years during the time of the byzantine beast, the term "Hellen" was a criminal felony punished with the death penalty. Hellenes were not lost when they were burned alive by the byzantines and will they be now because mr. Simites (prime minister) removed the indication C.O. (christian orthodox) from the identification cards? Christian demagogues have a hard time digesting that our sacred homeland is not owned by judaochristianity.
2. Do not violate... their rights! And now prepare yourselves for the most extreme extremity of the christian hypocrisy. The orthodox priesthood which for 17 centuries trespasses and violates (through slaughters) all religious rights of all other religions, claim that the removal of the religious indication C.O., from identification cards is a...violation of their religious rights (!!!) Yes, because christianity means... light. Only that the light of christianity is like the light of the firefly, it needs total darkness around it in order to be seen...
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