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Declaration of Independence of the Hellenic Nation
1th Part: Historical account of the clash 2th Part: The different cultural identity constitutes the basic element for the self-determination of the Hellenic Nation 3th Part: The international community must know the lies of the nazarene provocateurs 4th Part: The enemies of Hellenism fight against the Independence of the Hellenic Nation and the self-determination of the Hellenic People 5th Part: The enslaved Hellenes fight for Freedom and Independence 6th Part: The traitors raised their guns against Fatherland 7th Part: The Hellenic Nation validates its complete independence from the christian pseudostate 8th Part: The resolutions of the Hellenic Nation 9th Part: Adaptation to Independence 10th Part: Epilogue
First Part: Historical account of the clash In the 4th century of christian era, the eastern christian roman empire-the byzantium-is created. The byzantium proclaims christianity as the empire’s unique religion. All other religions are outlawed. In the Hellenic Lands, christian hordes invade and enforce their misanthropic sect by slaughtering. The christian hordes outlaw the Hellenic Nation and order the extermination of the Hellenic Race. The christian hordes destroy the Hellenic Civilization and use Hellenes to commit human sacrifices in the altars of their pseudogod Jeshua. Hundreds of millions of Hellenes are put to death on fire, as they refuse to betray their National Spirit. The christian hordes commit the greatest Genocide and Ethnocide the humanity ever known. Since then and for 17 centuries the Hellenic Nation is under christian occupation. The occupation is religious, cultural, political, racial, economic and military. Religious occupation, because the christian conquerors force violently their pseudogod to Hellenes and simultaneously forbid the worship of the Immortal Gods and the Hellenic Religion. Cultural occupation, because the christian conquerors forbid Hellenes to reproduce the Hellenic Civilization, as every Hellenic cultural element is under persecution so that the Hellenic identity cannot be reproduced. Political occupation, because the christian conquerors forbid Hellenes to possess political power. The christians forbid Hellenes to possess judicial and legislative power, so that the christians persecute Hellenes unpunished and exterminate them with their anti-hellenic christian laws. Racial occupation, because the christian conquerors do not belong to the Hellenic Race. The christian conquerors are romioi, descendants of byzantine barbarians. Economic occupation, because the christian conquerors steal the property of the Hellenic People, public and private, and use it for their benefit and not for the benefit of the Hellenic Nation. Military occupation, because the christian conquerors recruit Hellenes violently in the christian occupation army and order them to kill their brothers. The christians do not allow Hellenes to have Hellenic Armed Forces, nor even to carry weapons, so that christians can slaughter Hellenes unpunished. For 17 centuries this situation has led to rivers of blood, uncounted wars, slaughters and destructions between Hellenes and christians. The Hellenic Nation has declared thousand of times its Independence from the christian tyranny. Now the conditions have matured for the complete secession of Hellenes from the christian pseudostate. For another time the Hellenic Nation declares its Independence, so that the humanity should know that Hellenes were not extinct nor have any relation with the christian conquerors that live upon the Sacred Hellenic Land.
Second Part: The different cultural identity constitutes the basic element for the self-determination of the Hellenic Nation The relation of the Hellenic Religion and the Hellenic Civilization is one of mother and child. The Hellenic Religion bore the Hellenic art, athletics, science, heroic spirit, democracy. The Hellenic Religion is not part of the Hellenic Civilization. The Hellenic Civilization is part of the Hellenic Religion. The Hellenic Religion is the base of the Hellenic Civilization. With the Hellenic Religion as a base, the Hellenic Nation possesses a distinguished cultural identity which constitutes the basic element of differentiation from the christian conquerors. The two entities-Hellenes and christians-call themselves with different names and believe in different historical and racial lineage. The Hellenes call themselves Hellenes, Polytheists, Gentiles, Hellenes by religion. The terms which characterize them are Ancient Hellas, Hellenism, Hellenic Religion, Zeus, Hellenic Pantheon, Gods, Hades, Elysian Fields, Eleusinian Mysteries, Delphi Oracle, Parthenon. The christians call themselves christian orthodox, byzantines, nazarenes, romioi. The terms which characterize them are romiosini, byzantium, eastern orthodox church, christian state, jesus christ, orthodoxy, paradise, hell, justinian code. These phrases differentiate christians and give them a distinguished cultural identity from Hellenes. The name-calling which has prevailed for centuries between the two communities is «nazarenes» and «idolaters». Hellenes call christians «the nazarenes». Christians call Hellenes «the idolaters». Hellenes baptize their young after Hellenic names such as Homer, Nausika, Achilles, Sapfo. Nazarenes baptize their young after christian names such as Magdalene, Katherine, Paul, Sabbas. Hellenes use the Ancient Hellenic Calendar based on the start of the First Olympic Games. Nazarenes use the christian calendar based on the time of birth of their pseudogod Jeshua. Hellenes honor as Ethno-Martyrs all those defenders of the Hellenic Soul and Tradition, such as Hypatia and the Hierophant of the Eleusinian Mysteries Nestorius. Nazarenes honor as «saints» all the murderers of humanity, such as emperor Theodosius A’ and Cyril bishop of Alexandria. Hellenes are descendants of Deucalion and Pyrra. Nazarenes are descendants of Abraham and Noah. Hellenes are descendants of the Ancient Hellenes. Nazarenes are descendants of the eastern christian romans-byzantines. Hellenes take their cultural and national identity from Ancient Hellas. Nazarenes take their cultural and national identity from byzantium. Hellenes consider as citizen the worshipper of the Immortal Gods and of the Hellenic Religion. Nazarenes consider as citizen the worshipper of Jeshua. Hellenes consider as Holy Places the Delphi Oracle, the island of Dilos, the Dodoni Oracle, the Mountain Olympus. Nazarenes consider as holy places nazareth, new rome, bethlehem. Hellenes celebrate Eleusinian Mysteries, Anthestiria, Dionysia, Thargilia, Maimactiria. Nazarenes celebrate christmas and easter. Hellenes obey the Holy Laws of Gods. Nazarenes obey the apostolic rules of the fishermen of nazareth. Hellenes swear in the name of Immortal Gods. Nazarenes swear in the name of Jeshua. Hellenes adorn their homes with the statues of Immortal Gods. Nazarenes with the pictures of Jeshua. The Hellenic Armed Forces have faith in the Immortal Gods. The nazarene armed forces have faith in their pseudogod Jeshua. The Hellenic Constitution and the Hellenic Laws do not recognize any right to the nazarene conquerors. The christian constitution and the christian laws do not recognize any right to the enslaved Hellenes. Hellenes celebrate as National Anniversaries the battle of Thermopyles, the battle of Marathon, the battleship of Salamina, the Great Revolution of 2597 a.f.O, after the first Olympic Games. Nazarenes celebrate as anniversaries the fall of new rome and the «sunday of orthodoxy». Hellenes consider as Holy Places and Monuments Parthenon, the Delphi Oracle and all the Temples of the Immortal Gods. Nazarenes consider as holy places the christian churches and monasteries. Hellenes and nazarenes have enormous differences. They disagree on who is their friend and who is their foe. Both determine friends and foes with different criteria based mainly on religion and civilization. Whoever is nazarenes’ enemy he is Hellenes’ friend and vice versa. For many centuries the religious, political, cultural, national, linguistic, racial and financial differences between enslaved Hellenes and nazarene conquerors make impossible the coexistence of the two people. The Hellenic Nation does not have any religious, cultural, racial, economic, linguistic, political relation with the nazarene conquerors. The pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors is the ultimate plague for the Hellenic Nation. The different cultural identity of Hellenes implies the national consciousness and the national self-determination.
Third Part: The international community must know the lies of the nazarene provocateurs The nazarene conquerors in order to cover the occupation of Hellenic Lands constantly try to usurp Hellenic names and Hellenic terms. The desperately try to identify themselves with Hellenes; they need to persuade the international public opinion that indigenous Hellenes do not exist. They try to hide behind Hellenic names. For the success of their anti-hellenic work they cooperate with some provocateurs who pretend to be Hellenes and try to silence the voice of the Hellenic Nation. The terms romiosini, romios, Hellen, christendom, Hellas, byzantine empire, Hellenism, are used interchangeably and without any distinction by the nazarene conquerors. Unfortunately these terms have passed in the international bibliography, in international organizations and foreign states, without any distinction. The tragic result is to confound the enslaved Hellenes with nazarene conquerors, and the Hellenic Nation be charged with the crimes of nazarene conquerors. But the international community knows well that today’s geographical borders of the christian pseudostate have no relation with Hellas and Hellenism. They are not identical with the National and Cultural borders of Hellenism. The today’s pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors, which is the continuation of the anti-hellenic byzantine empire, it does not have any relation with Hellas and Hellenism. For 10 centuries the byzantine state slaughtered Hellenes as well as all the people of the Balkan Peninsula in order to impose its tyranny. The borders of the neobyzantine pseudostate have been drawn illegally after conquering wars of many years at the expense of Hellenes and other people of the Balkan Peninsula. The change of borders in the Balkans constitutes the basic aspiration of the Hellenic Nation. Never did Hellenes recognize the pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors, neither during the byzantium era, nor today. Therefore it is a historical crime against the Truth to identify the Hellenic Nation with today’s neobyzantine, christian pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors. It is a crime to charge Hellenes with the crimes committed by the nazarene conquerors against other people. When the Hellene Ethno-Martyrs were burned alive on the fires of the byzantine murderers, they screamed: “Cursed are the traitors who say we are brothers with the nazarene conquerors!” “Cursed are the traitors who propose to reconcile with the nazarene murderers!”, screamed the Hellen Ancestors. The Hellenic Nation, throughout its Glorious History, never accepted the impudent proposals for dissolution of the National Army and cessation of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle. The Hellenic Nation teaches young Hellenes the true history of Hellenism: the Ancient Hellas and the byzantium have absolutely no relation with each other. Byzantium destroyed Hellenism. Today’s Hellas is enslaved to the nazarene conquerors. With the Nazarene conquerors Hellenes have no religious, political, cultural, ethnic, racial relation. The international community must know that Hellas is enslaved to a neobyzantine pseudostate. The international community must know that as long as Hellenes remain enslaved under this anti-hellenic pseudostate it puts in danger the existence of the Hellenic Civilization and of the Hellenic Race. The notion “Motherland” is not identical with the geographical borders of the neobyzantine pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors. The Motherland of Hellenes is where the Holy Laws of Gods prevail; where the governors believe in the Hellenic Religion. The Motherland of Hellenes is not the anti-hellenic neobyzantine pseudostate of the nazarenes. The notion Motherland for Hellenes has religious, psychological, historical, cultural and spiritual color; and not just geographical meaning. Therefore the geographical notion “christian state” for which the nazarene conquerors speak of it does not have any relation with Hellas, for which Hellenes speak of. The geographical borders of the christian pseudostate have been determined and recognized by the nazarene conquerors, not by Hellenes. The international community must know that the christian anti-hellenic pseudostate of the neobyzantine conquerors uses illegally the term “Hellas”. The international community must know that any reference of the nazarene conquerors to the name “Hellas” constitutes falsification of the historical truth and leads to destabilization of the Balkans. Any identification of the nazarene conquerors with the Hellenes opens the road to demands at the expense of the Hellenic Nation and of other peoples in the Balkan Peninsula. The Immortal Gods are the only masters and protectors of the Hellenic Nation, no one else.
Fourth Part: The enemies of Hellenism fight against the Independence of the Hellenic Nation and the self-determination of the Hellenic People The nazarenes, for centuries, hire provocateurs who pretend to be Hellenes, in order to silence the real voice of the Hellenic Nation. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, declare the reconciliation and the identification with the nazarene conquerors. They declare unity with christianity. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, ask the people to forget the slaughters of the nazarene conquerors and to reconcile with them. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, along with the nazarene conquerors wage armed warfare for the suppression of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle of Hellenes. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, summon to armed struggle in favor of the nazarene conquerors. They prepared the Genocide of the Hellenic People by the neobyzantine conquerors. The enemies of Hellenism, who pretend to be Hellenes, propagandize to the Hellenic People that he is not under christian occupation and that Hellenes must ally with the nazarene conquerors to defend themselves from supposed external enemies. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, invite the people to apostatize from Gods and Divine Laws and to turn his weapons against Hellen Fighters and in defense of the nazarene conquerors. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, invite the Hellenic People to succumb before the anti-hellenic orders of the nazarene conquerors. The enemies of Hellenism baptize christianity as Hellenism in order to avoid exposure of their provocative action. Simultaneously they invite the Hellenic People to stop fighting to expel the nazarene conqueror from Hellas. The enemies of Hellenism want to enslave other people too in christianity under the pretext that their wars, are not byzantine conquering wars but national-liberating ones. The enemies of Hellenism, for centuries, do not fight for the liberation of Hellas from christianity but fight to enslave other people too in christianity. The enemies of Hellenism, hide their anti-hellenic hatred behind a supposed ancientolatry. The enemies of Hellenism reject all sovereign rights of Hellas. The enemies of Hellenism denounce the sovereign right to teach the Hellenic Religion in all hellenic schools. The enemies of Hellenism betray the sovereign right to convoke Hellenic Government from Hellenes and not from nazarene conquerors. The enemies of Hellenism reject the sovereign right of the Hellenic Religion to be the official and only religion of the Hellenic Nation. The enemies of Hellenism reject the sovereign right of the return to Hellenes of all Holy Places, which are now occupied by the nazarene conquerors. The enemies of Hellenism reject the sovereign right of purification of all Hellenic Lands where christian corrupting houses have been build upon Sacred Hellenic Temples. The enemies of Hellenism depend the existence, function and legality of the Hellenic Religion on the human hand of the legislator, of the christian legislator. The enemies of Hellenism erase the christian occupation in order to suffocate the unredeemed aspirations of Hellenes. The enemies of Hellenism denounce the international factor of the Holy Fight by focusing on the local factor. The Holy Fight is international, in alliance with all nations. The enemies of Hellenism consider that the right to punish the nazarene conquerors is alienable and transferable. They transferred it to themselves. They appropriated and cost it; and they found that it costs nothing, zero. The nazarene conquerors, they say, must not pay for their crimes. As such the provocateurs, like the nazarene conquerors, constitute enemies of Hellenism and of the independent Hellenic Nation.
Fifth Part: The enslaved Hellenes fight for Freedom and Independence Hellenes throughout the world know that Democracy, Freedom, Religion and Hellenism always triumphed. The Hellenic Nation issued the public order of mortal expiration of the nazarene conquerors and their political life will cease. The Hellenic People have built the foundations for the great march of the Nation towards Gods. No nazarene provocateur can stop Hellenes from walking the path of Immortal Gods. The Hellenic Nation stands faithful to the Holy Oath towards Gods. The Hellenic Nation remains on the battlements of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle for Freedom that so many generations of Hellenes anticipate. The shed blood of the Nation’s Martyrs shakes all Hellas. The coming days are the big crossway of the Nation and of Hellenism. National Independence opposes christian occupation, Democracy opposes fascism, Freedom opposes christian slavery. Ethics opposes corruption, Hellenism opposes christianity, Cultural Renaissance opposes christian rotting, Truth opposes lie, and Hope opposes swamp. A battle for which Gods have already decided the outcome; because it is time the Name of the Immortal Gods be glorified. The time has come again for the Hellenic Nation to be freed. The time of religious, economic, cultural, political and national liberation from christian tyranny has arrived. The foundations for a free and independent Hellas from the neobyzantine occupation are laid. The Hellenic Religion brings national unity. Hellenes disengage from christian anti-hellenic influences. Hellenes know that Hellenic Religion means Freedom of Hellas. But the heresy of nazarenes violates the Hellenic borders and increases their provocative claims. That is why the Hellenic Nation fights nazarenes conquerors in order to force them to respect the sovereign rights of Hellenes. The violation of Hellenic borders from nazarene conquerors shall not remain unpunished. The Hellenic Religion reconciles all Hellenes with Gods. Those who divide Hellenes from their Religion and Tradition, those who call Hellenes to be enslaved to the nazarene conquerors, those who call Hellenes to take up arms to fight by the side of nazarene conquerors, will be punished for high treason. No Hellen must take up arms to defend the gang of nazarene conquerors. The time has come for the liberation of the Fatherland. All Hellenes are present for the Holy National-Liberating Struggle. Hellenism cries out the big NO to nazarene conquerors. Hellenism belongs to Hellenes and not to the conquerors and butchers nazarenes. Hellenes do not give up arms, they do not betray Gods and Ancestors. The Hellenic People prefer death than humiliation. The Hellenic Religion, symbol of Freedom and self-sacrifice, forbids austerely the assimilation of Hellenes to the nazarene conquerors.
Sixth Part: The traitors raised their guns against Fatherland Why traitors continue the war against Hellenes? Why do traitors murder Hellenes and Hellas? Do they really believe that along with the nazarene murderers will gain a victory against Hellas and Hellenism? Why do they continue the human sacrifices along with the nazarenes? There is not an ethical base for their crimes. They try to transform the Holy National-Liberating Struggle into a civil war. Their plan will be smashed under the ruthless Wrath of Gods and humans. Their attempt to impose to the Hellenic People the dictatorship of the nazarenes failed. These traitors are capable, within the heat of their hatred against Hellenism, of committing everything to the flames in order to satisfy their sickly demands. They ask compromise and cooperation with the nazarene conquerors. They demand the christian gangs to possess the weapons and not the Hellenic Nation. Either the traitors and the nazarene conquerors will surrender the weapons they turned against Fatherland or they will be forced to do it. The Fatherland addresses the Hellenic youth and demands from them to not lay down the Weapons of Freedom. To stop being innocent organs of the nazarene conquerors who demand the christian occupation in Hellas to be recognized as legitimate authority. The Fatherland calls Hellenes who serve in organizations which ask the legitimization of the anti-hellenic heresy of nazarenes, to immediately lay down the weapons they raised against the Fatherland. Their claims for dissolution of the National Army were never accepted. Neither will they be accepted now. Their impudent challenges for retreat and national suicide before the nazarene conqueror are not acceptable. Their shameless demands for cessation of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle shall never be met with a positive response. Whoever raises weapons against Fatherland and Hellenism, whoever cooperates with the nazarene conquerors, whoever asks for recognition and acceptance of the christian occupation, ties himself the noose around his neck. The fifth-columnists of christianity have as a gospel the beastly ideology of civil war. Carrying away honest patriots, they organized, prepared and lunched their great and unforgivable crime: the recognition of the christian occupation as legitimate power and the transformation of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle into a civil war. There is no freedom when the christian gang has its own army, its own police, and imposes by slaughtering its anti-hellenic doctrine in the hellenic schools. There is no freedom when the Hellen cannot speak; when he cannot worship the Immortal Gods. And since such a thing is not acceptable by a nation that respects itself, in the past Hellenes punished the criminals who raised weapons against the Nation. They will do the same now. The Holy National-Liberating Struggle never hesitated to strike terrorism. Hellenes never hesitated to dissolve gangs which refused to lay down their weapons. If the christian gangs refuse to lay down the possessed weapons, the Holy War will force them to do it. The Hellenic People never surrendered the Sacred Weapons of Freedom. The Hellenic People never accepted the extermination of the Hellenic Nation by the nazarene conquerors. He never accepted the submission and the slavery that traitors shamelessly suggest to him. Hellenes never accepted to see the Hellenic Nation captive to nazarene conquerors. In the past, anytime Hellenes let nazarenes to possess weapons, nazarenes terrified the peace-loving and unarmed citizens who could not defend their freedom from the christian tyranny. Now, the arming of the christian gangs will not be allowed. The Hellenic Nation, as in the past, equips the Hellenic Army, establishes Hellenic Police, and founds Hellenic Courts. The Hellenic Nation shall never submit to the occupation army, to the occupation police, to the illegal courts of the nazarene conquerors. And while for centuries the nazarene conquerors murder Hellenes, steel Hellenes’ property, poison Hellenes with drugs, let Hellenes unemployed in order to starve them to death, forbid Hellenes to reproduce themselves, destroy Hellenes’ environment, destroy Hellenic Civilization, destroy Hellenic Religion; while all these crimes take place, traitors asked from the Hellenic People to recognize nazarene conquerors as legitimate government. The Hellenic Nation never recognized, neither legalized the anti-hellenic heresy of nazarenes murderers, no matter how much traitors tried to. Their gang-war, which they wage for so many centuries, was in vain. The gangs of nazarenes dared to speak in the name of Hellenism and the Hellenic People. But one thing is certain: the majority of the Hellenic People did not want riots. Neither bloodshed, nor mutual slaughter. And the civil war resulted from the persistence of some gangsters who demand the Hellenic Religion to be outlawed. The civil war came from the persistence of some criminals who want to transform the nazarene murderers to judges of the Hellenic People. Traitors knew better than anyone else that the supposed omnipotence of the nazarene conquerors was a terrible lie of theirs in order to frighten the Hellenic People. They knew better than anyone else that from the moment the nazarenes will cease to dispose of armed gangs and terrorize the Hellenic People, it will be shown immediately that they consist of an insignificant and unpopular minority. And which is impossible to be taken into consideration as a factor to the governing of the Hellenic Nation. But the traitors preferred the mutual slaughtering of Hellenes to outlawing the gang from nazareth. The traitors preferred to drench Hellas in blood rather than accept Hellenic Religion as the official and unique religion of the Hellenic Nation. The traitors preferred to obey the anti-hellenic orders of nazarene conquerors rather than obey the Holy Laws of Gods. The traitors, now as in the past, preferred to surrender Hellas to the disaster of civil anguish rather than consent to the disarming and dissolution of the terrorist organizations. Traitors preferred to fight against Hellenes rather than fight for Hellenes. The Declaration of Independence announces to the world the continuation of the Holy National-Liberating Struggle with undiminished tension. The continuation of the Holy Fight for National Independence, for so many centuries, proved the vitality of the Hellenic Nation and caused the relief of the Hellenic People.
Seventh Part: The Hellenic Nation validates its complete independence from the christian pseudostate Hellenes fight, for 17 centuries, for the declaration of National Independence and Autonomy from the christian pseudostate of the byzantine conquerors. The Hellenic Nation declares its independence from any non-Hellenic state formation. The Hellenic Nation recognizes the Immortal Gods and their Holy Laws as unique source of authority. The Hellenic Nation declares its Independence from the christian pseudostate of the nazarenes because: The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to perform their National and Traditional Ceremonies. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to be named after ancient Hellenic names. The nazarene conquerors destroy the Tombs of our Ancestors. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to worship the Immortal Gods. The nazarene conquerors occupy illegally the Holy Places of Hellenes and they exploit them financially. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes the reproduction of Hellenic Civilization. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to build Temples dedicated to the Immortal Gods and Ancestors. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to teach their history, while simultaneously they teach Hellenes the christian-byzantine history and hide from them the christian genocide against Hellen Ancestors. The nazarene conquerors restrict the birth rate of Hellenes in order to exterminate them as a race. The nazarene conquerors do not let Hellenes preserve their Laws which were given by the Immortal Gods. The nazarene conquerors do not allow Hellenes to found Hellenic courts. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to be judged by Hellen judges. The nazarene conquerors committed, and continue to commit, human sacrifices with Hellenes as their victims, on the altars of Jeshua. The nazarene conquerors try to assimilate Hellenes, something which constitutes Genocide and Ethnocide. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to open hellenic schools where the Hellenic Tradition and the Hellenic Civilization will be taught. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to issue the Ancient Hellenic Literature. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes the use of hellenic traditional nutrition, of hellenic traditional clothing and of hellenic traditional music. The nazarene conquerors violently enlist Hellenes to the christian occupation army in order to have them killed in battles. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to have their own Independent National Assembly. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to have their own currency. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to collect taxes based on Hellenic financial principles and traditions. The nazarene conquerors plunder Hellenes with exterminating taxation, usurious loans and illegal sales by auction, leading the Hellenic Nation to destruction. The nazarene conquerors shut down the factories and commercial business of Hellenes through heavy taxation, with the purpose of kneeling down financially the Hellenic Nation. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to marry Hellen women with Hellenic Customs, in order to be unable to reproduce biologically and culturally. The nazarene conquerors move and establish non-Hellenic populations to Hellenic Lands in order to exterminate the Hellenic Race. The nazarene conquerors slaughter Hellenes for seventeen centuries and ally with every enemy of Hellenes in order to keep them enslaved. The nazarene conquerors found christian paramilitary troops to terrorize the Hellenic People. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenes to develop Hellenic Security Corps, in order to be able to slaughter the Hellenic Nation unpunished. The nazarene conquerors forbid Hellenic People to carry weapons. The nazarene conquerors kidnap Hellen children and convert them to murderers of their own brothers. All these heinous crimes constitute Genocide and Ethnocide.
Eighth Part: The resolutions of the Hellenic Nation The Hellenic Nation declares its faith in the Power of Gods and the principle of Divine Sovereignty. The Hellenic Nation recognizes that all people are entitled of freedom and equality under the Immortal Gods, irrespective of nationality, laws and regime. With the guidance of Gods, the Hellenic Nation kept the promise it gave to itself and to Gods: to defend the Hellenic Religion. The Hellenic Nation kept its promise: to retaliate the blasphemy against Gods, to redeem the Human Race from the darkness of nazarene conquerors, and punish the seventeen centuries old humiliation of Hellen Ancestors. The Hellenic Nation being, for seventeen centuries, under the religious, cultural, political, racial, financial and military occupation of the nazarene conquerors, with the blessings of the Immortal Gods declares its Independence. The Hellenic Nation declares its full secession and independence from the anti-hellenic, neobyzantine, pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors and forms the Independent Hellenic State under the guidance of Immortal Gods. The Independent Hellenic State is divine and democratic. The Hellenic State guarantees the equality of all citizens before Gods, without discrimination due to origin, race, financial situation, class, political identity. The Hellenic Nation calls all Hellenes around the world to unite under the Independent Hellenic State and to achieve great deeds under the Holy Laws of Immortal Gods. Hellenes will obey the Hellenic Customs and Morals and disobey the anti-hellenic orders of nazarene conquerors. The Hellenic Nation places under its protection the Hellenic Religion and declares her the official and only religion of the Hellenic State. The Hellenic Nation acquires exclusively the Ancient Hellenic Heritage. The Hellenic Nation acquires the property and control of all Ancient Hellenic Monuments and converts them to places of worship of Gods and Ancestors. The Hellenic Nation acquires the property of all archeological treasures, of museum exhibits, of libraries and of manuscripts. The Hellenic State will rewrite the hellenic history of the Hellenic Nation in order to inform all humanity of the Genocide against Hellenes by nazarene conquerors. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires Hellenic Armed Forces. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires Hellenic Constitution. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires geographical borders. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires hellenic schools where the Hellenic Tradition will be taught and not the anti-hellenic christian obscurantism. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires Hellenic Legislation, Hellenic Education, and Hellenic Courts. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation acquires Hellenic Currency. With the blessing of Immortal Gods the Hellenic Nation decides that: Nazarenes have no obligation to enlist in the Hellenic Armed Forces. Neither do Hellenes have any obligation to enlist in the christian occupation army. Nazarenes have no obligation to send their children to Hellenic schools. Hellenes will send their children only to Hellenic and not to christian schools. Hellenes obey only the Hellenic Laws while nazarenes are not obliged to obey the Hellenic Laws. Neither do Hellenes have any obligation to obey christian laws. Hellenes are judged only by Hellen Judges. Hellenes are not allowed to be judged by nazarene judges. Hellenes are not answerable to christian law. Neither are nazarenes to Hellenic Law. Nazarenes have no obligation to pay taxes to the Hellenic State, neither do Hellenes have any obligation to pay taxes to the christian pseudostate. Nazarenes have no obligation to submit to the Hellenic Police. Neither do Hellenes have any obligation to submit to the christian police. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation constitute the Legislation of Hellenes given by the Immortal Gods. The Hellenic Nation exercises the inalienable right to have its own Legislation based on the Holy Laws of Gods and its own legal practice based on the Holy Rules, on the Holy Codes and on the Holy Commands. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to perform their National and Traditional Celebrations. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to be named after Ancient Hellenic names. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation protect the tombs of the Hellen Ancestors. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to worship the Immortal Gods. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation put under their protection the Holy Places of Hellenes. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation oblige Hellenes to reproduce the Hellenic Civilization. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to build Temples dedicated to the Immortal Gods and Monuments dedicated to the Ancestors. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to teach their history and to learn about the christian Genocide against their Ancestors. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation provide motives to Hellenes to increase the birth rate in order to avoid disappearance of the Hellenic Race. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation oblige Hellenes to found Hellenic courts and to be judged only by Hellen judges. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation forbid nazarene criminals to make human sacrifices on the altars of Jeshua. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation oblige Hellenes to publish the Ancient Hellenic Literature. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to follow the hellenic traditional nutrition, the hellenic traditional clothing and the hellenic traditional music. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation forbid Hellenes to enlist in the christian occupation army. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation oblige Hellenes to found Independent National Assembly. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation oblige Hellenes to have their own currency. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation forbid Hellenes to pay taxes to the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes are obliged to collect taxes based on the Hellenic financial principles and traditions. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation protect hellenic property from heavy taxing, usurious loans and illegal seizures, leading the Hellenic Nation to prosperity. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to marry Hellen women with hellenic wedding ceremony, in order to be able to reproduce biologically and culturally. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation forbid the existence of christian paramilitary troops, in order to protect Hellenic People from terrorism. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation afford Hellenes the right and the obligation to found Hellenic Security Forces, in order to have nazarene murderers punished for their crimes against Hellenic Civilization. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation allow Hellenic People to bear weapons. The Holy Laws of the Hellenic Nation forbid kidnapping and proselytism of Hellen children by the nazarene conquerors. The Hellenic Nation forbids every form of assimilation, religious, cultural, political, financial, racial, of Hellenes by nazarene conquerors. Every such action offends the personality of Hellen citizens, the sovereign rights of the Hellenic Nation and the National Security of the Hellenic State. Any form of propaganda against Hellen citizens by nazarene conquerors is a punishable crime. The Hellenic Nation acquires the right to protect the lands and the natural resources of wealth, as well as its subsoil, aerial and sea space. The Hellenic Nation has the right to seizure, without compensation, all cultivable lands, mines, forest-lands, waters, coasts, the nazarene conquerors stole from the Hellenic Nation. The Hellenic Nation does not tolerate displacement of the hellenic population, neither genocide, nor administrative or penal measures against Hellen citizens. In the opposite case the nazarene conquerors will confront Holy War in its armed phase. No Immortal God is deprived of his property. The Hellenic Nation is property of the Immortal Gods. Our soul, our body, our lands, our sky, our forests, our seas belong to the Immortal Gods. No one can appropriate that which belongs to Them without ruthless punishment. The Hellenic Nation declares that the right of self-determination is afforded by the Immortal Gods and recognized by international organizations. This right is not necessary to be recognized by the nazarene conquerors. The Hellenic Nation and consequently the under formation Hellenic State acquires the right to wage war, to make peace, to create alliances, to determine trade relations, independently from the anti-hellenic, neobyzantine, pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors.
Ninth Part: Adaptation to Independence Throughout centuries the geographical borders of the Hellenic State were always fluid and movable. But the Hellenic Soul, the Hellenic Religion, the Hellenic Laws were always solid values. Simultaneously the cultural and ideological borders of Hellenism expand continuously and create autonomous communities daily. Consequently the independence is not a momentary and static decision. It is a permanent and dynamic procedure. The practical adaptation to independence is taking place daily with incremental changes, in a course of gradual self-determination. The dynamic and gradual secession from the anti-hellenic neobyzantine pseudostate and the founding of the independent Hellenic State will take place with the following actions: International recognition of the Genocide of Hellenes by byzantium and the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes will not be answerable to anti-hellenic christian laws. Hellenes will not be prosecuted in christian courts. Restitution of Hellenic properties that were stolen by the nazarene conquerors. Unlimited access of Hellenes to their Holy Places and to the Monuments of their Ancestors. The under formation Hellenic State will be represented abroad only by legitimate and loyal representatives who will obey the Immortal Gods and the Hellenic Constitution. Only Hellenes will have the right to negotiate among states the international relations of the independent Hellenic State. The Hellenic Nation will protect its diversity with the gradual secession of lands from the christian pseudostate. In areas where it is not possible to secede and unite with the Hellenic State, Hellenes will establish autonomous governments, temporarily subdued to the christian pseudostate, until full independence is achieved. The autonomy will concern matters of religion, education, legislation, finance, public health, housing, agricultural, environment, taxing, employment, and internal security. Hellenes will bear weapons, exercising their right to feel secure from the persecutions of nazarene conquerors. Hellenes will not enlist in the christian occupation army. Hellenes shall not abandon their land, neither their means of subsistence, nor are they going to accept displacement to other lands. Hellenes will not accept any kind of imprisonment or any other form of forced labor from the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes shall not pay taxes to the pseudostate of nazarene conquerors. Hellenes have the right to seizure all sources of wealth of nazarene conquerors in order to feed the Hellenic People who is starving to death. Hellenes shall build hellenic schools not answerable to the christian pseudostate, where the Hellenic Religion, the Hellenic History and the Hellenic Morals and Customs will be taught. Hellenes in the private level, until full secession and independence from the christian pseudostate, will live in a state of autonomy, but under the guidance of the Holy Laws. Those Hellenes, who remain enslaved under the pseudostate of the nazarene conquerors, will demand their opinion be considered before legal or administrative measures are taken that concern Hellenes. But under no circumstances are Hellenes allowed to enlist in the christian occupation army. Hellenes who have lost their properties from the nazarene conquerors are permitted to pursue compensation. This compensation must be of the same quality and quantity as the property stolen from Hellenic People by the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes enslaved in the christian pseudostate, even under slavery will exercise their inalienable right to develop health system, housing system as well as governmental organizations which will function in parallel with the christian pseudostate until full secession takes place. Hellenes enslaved in the christian pseudostate will forbid the passing and the military drills of nazarene conquerors in the autonomous Hellenic Lands. During the period of autonomy and until full secession Hellenes are capable of having double citizenship, until they are naturalized in the Hellenic State. The quality of a native and citizenship do not prevent Hellenes to be temporarily citizens of the christian pseudostate, but it is strictly forbidden to enlist in the christian army. If the nazarene conquerors refuse to recognize the autonomy of Hellenes, Hellenes will address international organizations to solve this difference. During the secession period of Hellenes from the christian pseudostate, according to international laws, the nazarene conquerors are obliged to include in the legislation all rights of Hellenes and recognize their autonomy. Hellenes wish to live peacefully and separately from the nazarene conquerors. But in case this right shall not be respected and the christian pseudostate attacks them violently, autonomous Hellenes have the right of armed defense against the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes within the christian pseudostate exercise their right of being equal before Gods. No one can violate the Commands of Gods, the family life of Hellenes, neither can he interfere in the communication with Gods, and no one can stain the Name of Immortal Gods. In the opposite case Hellenes have the right of use of the Holy Weapons to defend themselves against the christian persecutions. During the period of autonomy and until full independence, lands under the control of Hellenes can unite in a federal Balkan state that will include other nationalities. During the period of autonomy and until full independence, no Hellen can be deprived of his Religion. Obedience to the will and sovereignty of Immortal Gods constitutes inalienable right and duty of Hellenes. The basic principle of peaceful cooperation between Hellenes and nazarenes is the national self-determination of Hellenes to be put in the order of the day of the christian parliament. The Hellenic Nation cannot tolerate the onslaught of its territorial integrity from the nazarene conquerors under the screen of usurpation of hellenic names and of hellenic terminology. Consequently, if autonomous Hellenic areas suffer an attack from the christian pseudostate, Hellenes will demand the armed intervention of the international community. The Hellen autonomous demand from nazarenes to: Prepare educational programs with a positive view about the self-determination of Hellenes. Christian authorities should not be suspicious against Hellenic Independence. To prepare special lessons in schools that will raise understanding among nazarenes about freedom of peoples and ethnicities that live within the christian pseudostate. To prepare informative programmes in the mass media that will promote tolerance and understanding about self-determination. Nazarenes must develop in their education the consciousness of necessity of the self-determination of Hellenes and its establishment as a basic tool of protecting human rights. Nazarenes must teach in their schools that self-determination of the Hellenic People is the basic tool to avoid conflict with Hellenes. Refusal of the nazarenes to recognize hellenic self-determination is the reason that led for centuries in bloody wars between enslaved Hellenes and nazarene conquerors. It must be understood that the Hellenic Nation fights, through the separation in two states, to build new relations of cooperation, new ties with nazarenes. It must be understood that the state borders of nazarenes are different than the state borders of Hellenes. It must be understood by nazarenes that since the christian pseudostate repeatedly violates all human rights of Hellenes, since it commits Genocide against Hellenic Nation, since it excludes its legal representatives from political power, since it forbids the worship of Immortal Gods, since it destroys the Hellenic Civilization and hinders its reproduction, since it tries to assimilate Hellenes in the anti-hellenic heresy of nazarenes, since it refuses the self-government of Hellenes and violates their Legislation, then it rightfully loses sovereign privileges and its dissolution constitutes national and holy purpose for Hellenes. Hellenes exercise their holy right to revolt against the tyranny and the foreign christian occupation. Until full international recognition and independence the Hellenic Nation is registered in the non represented nations of United Nations. The Hellenic Nation calls all foreign states and international organizations to stop confusing the neobyzantine pseudostate of nazarenes with Hellas and the under formation independent Hellenic State.
Tenth Part: Epilogue The Hellenic Nation has different history and targets from the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes never coexisted peacefully with the nazarene conquerors. Hellenes do not ask for recognition of their rights within the existing christian pseudostate but recognition of an Independent Hellenic State. Hellenes want separation of borders without violent means, but this does not mean that Hellenes will subdue silently to countless slaughters committed by nazarenes. Hellenes, if they have to, will rise in arms. This declaration concerns all humanity and not only the Hellenic Nation. It is the cry of Freedom of all nations to shake off the yoke of christianity. The Hellenic Nation was the first to be enslaved and the first to be freed from the christian occupation. The Holy Struggle is international. The Hellenic Nation calls all enslaved in christianity nations to declare their independence and simultaneously to ally with the Hellenic Nation in the Holy Struggle for the salvation of humanity from the christian tyranny. The process of independence of the Hellenic Nation has started since many centuries ago but the last decades have become more intense because the national consciousness of Hellenes is acierated continuously. The result and the acceptance of the declaration are independent of the number of Hellenes and of the historical moment. It does not matter how many Hellenes exist to create an independent Hellenic State, nor if at a given moment an act of independence is accepted by the international community. The Independence of the Hellenic Nation is a continuous, permanent, gradual and dynamic process. The Declaration holds good in the past and in the future. All history of the past, of the present and of the future is interpreted according to the Independence of the Hellenic Nation from the christian tyranny.
Down with the christian slavery. Down with christian occupation. Freedom, Independence, Hellenic Government
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